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marriage equality

Zach Wahls Supports President Obama

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In 2011, the Iowa House had a public call on a constitutional amendment to reverse the Iowa Supreme Court decision that had legalized marriage equality. Zach Wahls gave a passionate testimony and defense of his family that was seen by millions.

Zach, a sixth generation Iowan and raised by two women, shares why marriage equality is important to him and why he supports President Obama.

Mitt Gets Worse: Julie Goodridge

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Julie Goodridge was a lead plaintiff in Goodridge v. Dept of Public Health -- the lawsuit that brought same-sex marriage to Massachusetts. In this video, Goodridge shares her family's encounters with Gov. Mitt Romney, including a meeting with Romney, which Goodridge describes as "the most frustrating experience in the entire marriage case."

I Can Speak

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am nothing.
I was a teacher of special needs children, so I can speak of the power and magic of education.
I have been married for 42 years so I can speak to President Obama's commitment to marriage equality.
I am a small business owner so I can speak to the Presidents jobs plan.
I held my 25 year old son in my arms as he died of cancer, uninsured.
I can speak to the financial devastation to families even aside from their unimaginable emotional devastation before the Affordable Health Care Act. I can speak.
It is not Obamacare. It is Obama Cares.
By choice, I live in the most racially diverse county in this state so I can speak to the Voter Rights Act.
I can speak because I have charity and love. And, like ALL Democrats, that makes me something.

Texas Democratic Convention - June 8, 2012

President Obama and the Fight for LGBT Rights

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Glee star Jane Lynch narrates this documentary about LGBT rights in America. The video features a candid interview with President Obama, who speaks about the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, why he supports marriage equality, and what's at stake for the LGBT community in this election.

Join LGBT Americans for Obama:

Ellen Commends President Obama

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Ellen gave President Barack Obama a standing ovation on her show today for his powerful words of support for marriage equality.

Fort Bend County LGBT Caucus

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Houston Mayor Anise Parker was the guest speaker at the new Fort Bend County LGBT Caucus held on September 12th 2010.  Mayor Parker recalled her years as the president of a gay activist club in Houston and how it has affected her ability to handle community conflict resolution.
