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marco rubio

Romney Surrogate Rubio Slams Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

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10/21/12, ABC, This Week.  Romney Surrogate Rubio Slams Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

AXELROD: President Obama Has A Plan, Romney Doesn't Beyond The Failed Policies Of The past

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10/21/12, NBC, Meet the Press.  AXELROD: President Obama Has A Plan, Romney Doesn't Beyond The Failed Policies Of The past.

Romney Surrogate Rubio Calls Romney's Medicare Voucherizing Plan "Disruptive"

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10/21/12, NBC, Meet the Press.  Romney Surrogate Rubio Calls Romney's Medicare Voucherizing Plan "Disruptive".

The Romney Bunch

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If you didn't think Mitt Romney's foray into the birther movement yesterday was evidence enough that his campaign has stooped to dog whistling to the most extreme elements in the Republican Party, just look who he's surrounding himself with in Tampa.