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O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns?
O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns? Meet the Press, August, 19, 2012
Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's
Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's
VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors
VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors
LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa
LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa
If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video
Tough Fight between M.Romney and his bigest ideological oponent M.Romney From 4 Years Ago !