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Keep Fear Alive

Rally to Restore Sanity - Interviews with Participants

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On October 30, 2010, thousands of people gathered in the National Mall for the "Rally to Restore Sanity" called for by Jon Stewart on his show.

While participants attended for a variety of reasons, many of them raised concerns about the deteriorating state of news media, especially the hyperbolic and hyperpartisan content of 24/7 cable news networks.

Favorite Quotes

So, President Obama and the Democrats did not weaken Medicare. They strengthened Medicare. When Congressman Ryan looked into that TV camera and attacked President Obama's Medicare savings as "the biggest, coldest power play," I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Key cuts that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he had in his own budget.

Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012