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Joe Biden
Vice President Joe Biden on Medicare - Blacksburg, VA
Vice President Biden continued his tour of southern and southwestern Virginia. Today he delivered remarks at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg. The Vice President shared how the Romney-Ryan plan will end Medicare and what the President is doing to protect and strengthen it.
Faces of Change: "Our Jobs Come from the Wind."
President Obama's all-of-the-above energy strategy is making America more energy independent by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and investing in renewable energy. President Obama's policies have benefited small businesses like Heron Wind Manufacturing.
100 Days
There are only 100 days until Election Day. What will you do to make sure we keep moving forward and not back?
- Help build this campaign by making a donation: http://OFA.BO/vkHygk
- Sign up to volunteer at events in your community: http://OFA.BO/vHX563
Carole King Supports President Obama - Join Rural Americans for Obama
Carole King shares why she supports President Obama and why you should join Rural Americans for Obama.
The Obamas Move to the White House - Join Parents for Obama
First Lady Michelle Obama shares what it was like moving into the White House with two young daughters.
First Lady Michelle Obama: "Con Sólo Uno Más"
"¡Hola a todos!
Siempre recordaré cómo, un poco después de casarnos, Barack y yo, juntos con algunos amigos nuestros, íbamos en busca de firmas para su primera campaña para el congreso estatal.
Tocábamos puertas, conocíamos a nuestros vecinos y hablábamos con ellos acerca de los temas ahí mismo en sus puertas — o hasta en sus salas.
First Lady Michelle Obama: "It Takes One"
First Lady Michelle Obama announces the launch of "It Takes One". "It Takes One" is a new effort that asks you to inspire one more person to join you every time you take an action to move this country forward. If you're making phone calls or knocking on doors, take a friend along. If you're registering to vote, make sure that a family member is registered as well. If you're attending an event, bring one neighbor along. And if you're voting early on election day, bring one new voter with you. You could inspire five, or ten, or 100 new people before November.
Joe Biden: The Vice President's Strengthening the Middle Class Tour
Vice President Joe Biden was in Iowa to launch the Strengthening the Middle Class Tour. He talked about President Obama's commitment to bolstering middle-class security for Iowa families and Mitt Romney's history of shipping American jobs overseas.
Vice President Biden at La Raza: Romney "Wants You To Show Your Papers, But He Won't Show Us His"
In his remarks to The National Council of La Raza today, Vice President Joe Biden addressed Mitt Romney's refusal to release additional tax returns that could shed light on his offshore accounts and investments in foreign tax havens.
"And this is a man who says President Barack Obama is out of touch. Out of touch with the needs of the American people. This coming from a man who until recently had a Swiss bank account and millions of dollars invested in the Grand Cayman Islands beyond security -- beyond scrutiny. And President Obama is out of touch?