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Obama For America TV Ad: "Jobs"

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The President's jobs plan would put teachers, firefighters, police officers, and construction workers back to work right now. And it's paid for by asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more, but Congress refuses to act. Tell Congress we can't wait:

We've Heard it All Before

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Mitt Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government. By the time Romney left office, state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and Massachusetts had fallen behind almost every other state in job creation. Romney economics didn't work then, and it won't work now.

Romney Economics: Republicans on Romney's Massachusetts Record

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Mitt Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government. By the time Romney left office, state debt had increased, the size of government had grown, and Massachusetts had fallen behind almost every other state in job creation.

Other Republicans agree: Romney economics didn't work then, and it won't work now.

Broken Promises: Romney's Massachusetts Record

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Mitt Romney ran for Governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government. Here's what Massachusetts got instead: Jobs: 47th out of 50 states in job creation Taxes and fees: Increased more than $750 million per year Long-term debt: Increased more than $2.6 billion Fact is, Romney economics didn't work then, and won't work now.

Sacred Trust

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The sacrifices that our troops have made have been incredible. It's because of what they've done that we've been able to go after Al Qaeda and kill Bin Laden. When they come home we have a sacred trust to make sure that we are doing everything we can to heal all of their wounds. Giving them the opportunities that they deserve to find a job and get the education that they need.

Get Going

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DNC AD: "Get Going"

President Obama's "To Do" List for Congress

8 President Obama has put together a "to do" list for Congress that, if acted upon quickly, will create jobs and help restore middle class security. These initiatives all have bipartisan support, and the President believes that they will help create an economy built to last that supports secure American jobs and makes things the rest of the world buys - not one built on outsourcing, loopholes, or risky financial deals.


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The video outlines the challenges America faced as President Obama took office at the height of the worst recession in almost a century and details the progress that has been made reclaiming the security of the middle class and building an economy that's meant to last, where hard work pays and responsibility is rewarded.

President Obama Speaks on Skills for American Workers

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President Obama visits Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio to highlight how federal job training funding is providing critical services for unemployed workers and helping them to get jobs in high-demand, high-growth industries.