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President Obama Early Votes

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During his non-stop 48 hour America Forward! Tour President Obama early voted in Chicago.

"Endorsed" - Obama for America Radio Ad

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As highlighted in Obama for America's new radio ad, retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for re-election last week in an interview with CBS News.

Beau Biden: Honoring Our Commitment to Veterans

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Beau Biden shares how President Obama and Vice President Biden are the choice in this election and how we have to honor our commitment to veterans.

Nevada: Go Vote - OFA Nevada

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Jon Hamm, Jon Cho, Jennifer Westfeldt, Zachary Quinto, Stephanie March, Rachael Leigh Cook, Bryan Greenberg and Nick Zano encourage Nevadans to go vote.


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From recent pictures in the WH Flickr Photostream. Credit to Pete D'Souza. Audio from "Any Given Sunday."

DNC Gotta Vote Bus Tour in Iowa

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The Democratic National Committee and Obama for America continued their "Gotta Vote" Bus Tour returning to the Hawkeye state this week, urging Iowans to get out there and vote. Democratic National Committee Vice Chair & Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak, Montana Governor Bryan Schweitzer and former Iowa Lt. Governor Patty Judge joined the tour to mobilize and turn out voters.

Call Your Zeyde - Vote Obama

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Call Your Zeyde, a funny, funny parody song based on "Call Me Maybe".

Mayor Ed Koch Endorses the President for Four More Years

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Today, Obama for America released a new video endorsement from former New York City Mayor Ed Koch. Mayor Koch is proud to cast his vote for Barack Obama because of the President's unbreakable support for Israel and because he has, time and time again, proven himself to be a true friend of the Jewish state.

Jim Messina's State of the Race: "The president will win re-election if we do what we need to do."

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Campaign Manager Jim Messina breaks down how we're doing in this election with less than a week to go.
