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Do you have an offshore bank account?

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Vanity Fair and the Associated Press have reported that Mitt Romney has put huge sums of money into investments in offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. Is he avoiding paying U.S. taxes by having money in those tax havens? Was he trying to hedge against the dollar by having a Swiss bank account? We asked some ordinary Americans what they think of Mitt Romney's financial arrangements.

First Law

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The son of a single mom. Proud father of two daughters. President Obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair, it hurts families.

Lilly Ledbetter on Paycheck Fairness

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Republicans in Congress are blocking the Paycheck Fairness Act—legislation building on President Obama's Lilly Ledbetter Act that would help women in the workforce make sure they get equal pay for equal work.