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Zach Wahls Supports President Obama

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In 2011, the Iowa House had a public call on a constitutional amendment to reverse the Iowa Supreme Court decision that had legalized marriage equality. Zach Wahls gave a passionate testimony and defense of his family that was seen by millions.

Zach, a sixth generation Iowan and raised by two women, shares why marriage equality is important to him and why he supports President Obama.

Dinner with Barack: A Firefigher's Story

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Jim, a firefighter from Ohio, was a life-long republican until the governor there attacked collective bargaining for firefighters, police, and teachers.

As Jim says: "I really feel like the republican party left me."

After watching President Obama speak on jobs, he knew he was voting for President Obama.

Having a Meal with the President

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Today's your last chance to share a meal with the First Couple. After entering and winning the last Dinner with Barack contest, four supporters shared a meal with President Obama. Over lunch, they talked about everyday issues affecting them and their communities. Jim from Ohio, talked about his work as a firefighter and asked how the President balances his time as a father.

The First Couple on their First Meal Together: Dinner with Barack and Michelle

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First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama share what their first meal together was like. You have a chance to join them on their next date night. Enter to win now --your airfare and hotel are covered: http://OFA.BO/H52UEc

President Obama talks women's health at 2011 NWLC Dinner

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"Instead of working to boost our economy, they're out there spending time trying to defund Planned Parenthood and prevent millions of women from getting basic health care that they desperately need -- pap smears and breast exams." -Barack Obama (NWLC Dinner, 11/09/11)

President Obama Invites You to Dinner—and He's Bringing a Special Guest

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President Obama invites you to dinner—and he's bringing a special guest. Watch the video to find out who—then enter to win a seat at the next Dinner with Barack.
