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Mitt Romney Misled Voters About President Obama's Clean Energy Record

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Mitt Romney misled voters about President Obama's clean energy record.

"If we can't trust him on the debate stage, how could we trust him in the Oval Office?"

Mitt Romney's Debate Performance: "Mostly Fiction"

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The results are in: Mitt Romney played fast and loose with the facts.

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Vice President Joe Biden's Post-Debate Remarks

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Vice President Joe Biden's post-debate remarks.

For all the latest from the 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. Go to:

Stephanie Cutter on Tonight's Presidential Debate

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Stephanie Cutter breaks down how we'll need you to help get the facts out for tonight's Presidential debate. We'll be monitoring each and every word Romney says. And every time he lies or takes a cheap shot get online and help set the record straight.

Mitt Romney: Great Expectations

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Independent analysts and Mitt Romney's own supporters agree on two things:

1. Romney's an accomplished debater who excelled at debates in the GOP primary.
2. This week's debate is a make or break moment for Governor Romney.

Either way, Romney is facing great expectations.

"Mitt Romney: Great Expectations"

If Ron Paul got on TV and said ‘Gah gah goo goo debasement! theft!’

If Ron Paul got on TV and said ‘Gah gah goo goo debasement! theft!’ — which is a rough summary of what he actually did say — his supporters would say that he won the debate hands down.

May 1, 2012, “On the Uselessness of Debates” -

Chase Whiteside debates James O'Keefe at Temple University

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Chase Whiteside of New Left Media debates James O'Keefe of Project Veritas at Temple University about journalism ethics, and the difference between activism and journalism.

At just over an hour, it's a long slog, but there are quality exchanges scattered throughout.
