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Beating Kesha Rogers

By Steve Brown

What if I told you that a candidate in the Democratic Primary would like to have President Barack Obama impeached? What if I told you that she’s a thirty-something, photogenic and articulate African American woman? Finally, what if I told you that two years ago she actually won the Democratic nomination for Congressional District 22, and went on to enter the general election by viciously attacking our President? If you are not already aware of this person, then let me introduce you to Kesha Rogers.

Bill Maher Criticizes Mitt Romney's Donations To Mormon Church

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During last week's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the irreverent comedian blasted GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for donating money to the Mormon Church rather than to a more worthy charity. Instead of reining in his attacks on Romney and Mormonism, he sharpened his criticism during his New Rules segment in Friday's broadcast of HBO's political comedy show.