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climate change

climate change is not a hoax

And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet — because climate change is not a hoax. More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. They are a threat to our children’s future. And in this election, you can do something about it.

Democratic National Convention - September 6, 2012

If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video!

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Tough Fight between Mitt Romney and his bigest ideological oponent Mitt Romney From 4 Years Ago!

Overview Video of Mitt Romney's Flip Flops

Mitt Romney on Immigration

Mitt Romney: The story of two men trapped in one body

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Q: Which politician is the polar opposite of Mitt Romney?
A: Mitt Romney.

Mitt v. Mitt, The story of two men trapped in one body. Learn more at

The United Nations on Global Warming

The following are some key findings in a report issued Saturday, November 17, by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
  • Global warming is "unequivocal". Temperatures have risen 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. Eleven of the last 12 years are among the warmest since 1850. Sea levels have gone up by an average seven-tenths of an inch per year since 1961.