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I am a Christian: God is Not a Republican

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Christians have been electing Republican politicians into office for more than a generation. This is the result of constant promises to bring traditional family values back to the nation. The Republican Party has failed to deliver on their promises. Nothing has changed. Abortions are still high as ever. Families are still breaking apart. Evangelical Christians voted to change the morality of the nation. Sadly, the only thing their votes changed was the tax code.

Open Letter from Leaders of Faith Regarding Statements by Franklin Graham

As Christian denominational leaders, pastors, and, most importantly, followers of Jesus Christ; we are greatly troubled by recent attempts by some religious leaders to use faith as a political weapon.  We were disturbed and disappointed by statements made by Rev. Franklin Graham during an interview on MSNBC that questioned whether President Obama is a Christian. Rev. Graham also seemed to imply that the President may be a Muslim, despite the fact that the President has repeatedly expressed his faith and belief in Jesus Christ. By his statements, Rev. Graham seems to be aligning himself with those who use faith as a weapon of political division. These kinds of comments could have enormous negative effects for America and are especially harmful to the Christian witness.
