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President Obama in Green Bay, Wisconsin

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Today, at a grassroots event in Green Bay, Wisconsin, President Obama laid out the closing argument he will make to the American people in the final days of the election. The President is fighting for the same things he's always believed and run on -- that this country cannot succeed without a growing, thriving middle class.

In the decade before President Obama took office, middle-class security was undercut by the same top-down, failed economic policies that Mitt Romney is now promoting. While Romney thinks that means 'change,' the President will continue to move our country forward to real change that boosts the middle class and creates a stronger future for all Americans.

Mitt Romney: Shameless Deception

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If you thought the national coverage of Mitt Romney's gigantic Jeep lie was bad, you haven't seen anything yet.

Alicia Keys: Every Vote Counts

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Alicia Keys was in North Carolina where she fired up the crowd at North Carolina A&T State University and shared why it's important to get involved and vote.


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Obama for America's new television ad highlights last week's powerful endorsement from retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.


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Voiceover: "Wholly inaccurate. Clearly misleading. That's what news outlets are calling Mitt Romney's latest ads...suggesting auto jobs are being sent to China."

Voiceover: "GM calls Romney's ads 'politics at its cynical worst'"

Voiceover: "And Chrysler's CEO said it's simply not true."

Voiceover: "We know the truth, Mitt"

Nevada We Decide

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We decide Nevada, for all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/DrjhET

President Obama Early Votes

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During his non-stop 48 hour America Forward! Tour President Obama early voted in Chicago.

President Obama Tours Areas Damaged by Hurricane Sandy

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President Obama tours a New Jersey neighborhood that was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy. October 31, 2012.

"Endorsed" - Obama for America Radio Ad

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As highlighted in Obama for America's new radio ad, retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for re-election last week in an interview with CBS News.
