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Votar debe de ser fácil para cada elector elegible. Esa es la razón por la cual hoy lanzamos

No importa donde vivas, cuando tengas toda la información que necesitas, puedes tomar los pasos necesarios para asegurar que tu voto cuente y que tu voz se escuche el día de la elección.

Jim Messina: April Fundraising & Paths to 270 Update

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 Hey everybody. I'm Jim Messina, the President's campaign manager. I wanted to give you a quick update on what we've been up to this month, and what that's going to mean between now and November.

We had 169,500 first-time donors in April—putting us within reach of 2 million donors this election cycle. And here's my favorite part: our average donation was $50.23, with 98 percent of those donations $250 or less. That makes our campaign different, and it's how we're going to build a winning organization across the country.

Keeping His Word: Women's Health

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Barack Obama promised to protect a woman's right to make her own health decisions. As President he is committed to protecting a woman's right to choose, rejected Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, and reversed the "global gag rule" that restricted women's access to family planning services abroad.

Cutting Benefits for Seniors

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DCCC TV Ad in New York's 26th District (Special Election: May 24th): Jack Davis said Social Security benefits "may have to be adjusted down." Worse, Jane Corwin supports a budget that essentially ends Medicare. Instead of balancing the budget the right way, Davis and Corwin want tax breaks for corporations while cutting benefits for seniors.

Is Jesse Kelly Listening to You?

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On Social Security, Jesse Kelly said, "I'd love to eliminate the program." He also said he'd work to eliminate Medicare over time. At the same time, he said he's cut taxes in half for millionaires.

Jesse Kelly Said He Would Eliminate Medicare Over Time

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DCCC TV Ad in the Special Election for Arizona's 8th District: Jesse Kelly said he would eliminate Medicare over time [Tucson Weekly, 12/02/09] For more on Kelly's plans to eliminate Social Security and Medicare while cutting taxes for millionaires, watch this video:
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