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Halperin and Barnicle: "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" Op-ed Could Cost Mitt Romney the Presidency
Video from Morning Joe on MSNBC, 10/23/12. Halperin and Barnicle: "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" Op-ed Could Cost Mitt Romney the Presidency
Kudlow: Romney on Valium
Kudlow: Romney on Valium
KERRY: Romney Hid His Positions, Would Send Wrong Message To The World
10/23/12, CNN - KERRY: Romney Hid His Positions, Would Send Wrong Message To The World
Fineman: Romney was Flat Out Lying on Auto Bailout
Fineman: Romney was Flat Out Lying on Auto Bailout
Chuck Todd: "I Felt Like He Was Giving A Book Report"
Chuck Todd: "I Was Surprised At How Meek Romney Was"
Chuck Todd: "I Was Surprised At How Meek Romney Was"
Ledbetter: Romney's Position On Pay Equity Is "Terrible Injustice" For Women & Their Families
Lilly Ledbetter: Romney's Position On Pay Equity Is "Terrible Injustice" For Women & Their Families