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bill clinton

No party has a monopoly on wisdom

No party has a monopoly on wisdom. No democracy works without compromise. I want to get this done and we can get it done. But when Governor Romney and his friends in Congress tell us we can somehow lower our deficit by spending trillions more on new tax breaks for the wealthy — well, what did Bill Clinton call it? You do the arithmetic. You do the math. I refuse to go along with that.

Democratic National Convention - September 6, 2012

trying to make it harder for people to vote

Do you really want to live in a country where one party is so desperate to win the White House that they go around trying to make it harder for people to vote if they’re people of color, poor people or first generation immigrants.

Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012

It takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did

So, President Obama and the Democrats did not weaken Medicare. They strengthened Medicare. When Congressman Ryan looked into that TV camera and attacked President Obama's Medicare savings as "the biggest, coldest power play," I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Key cuts that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he had in his own budget.

Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012

One of the main reasons America should re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to cooperation

One of the main reasons America should re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to cooperation. He appointed Republican secretaries of defense, the army and transportation. He appointed a vice president who ran against him in 2008, and trusted him to oversee the successful end of the war in Iraq and the implementation of the recovery act. And Joe Biden did a great job with both.

Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012

The Road We've Traveled

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Remember how far we've come. This film gives an inside look at some of the tough calls President Obama made to get our country back on track. Featuring interviews from President Bill Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Elizabeth Warren, David Axelrod, Austan Goolsbee, and more. It's a film everyone should see.

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

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Penn Jillette rates the various candidates for the U.S. Presidency from the perspective of an atheist.