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Your Turn
Mitt Romney doesn't deny he invested in companies that outsourced jobs to Mexico and China. Doesn't deny that he made a fortune when it happened. Romney only says there's "no evidence" that he was in charge at that point. But newly disclosed documents show Romney was: sole stockholder, CEO, and Chairman, when jobs were shipped overseas. Here's the evidence, Mr. Romney. Your turn to explain.
Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference
Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference in Nevada.
Why is Mitt Romney Hiding the Rest of His Tax Returns?
Mitt Romney is defying calls to release more than one year's worth of tax returns. The Romney campaign response? "Just take our word for it." So why is Mitt Romney hiding the rest of his tax returns? How long can Romney keep information on his investments in overseas tax havens secret? And why did he do it in the first place? Time will tell.
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