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A Latina Responds to Mitt Romney

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A recently exposed video from a Mitt Romney fundraiser reveals he said he'd have an easier time winning the election if he were Mexican. Here's one Latina's response.


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If Mitt Romney wins, the middle class loses.

Bernie Sanders Eviserates Mitt Romney's 47% Secret Video

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Bernie Sanders Eviserates Mitt Romney's 47% Secret Video

Mitt Romney: Extreme Makeover Campaign Edition

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Mitt Romney knows a thing or two about makeovers -- but a new OFA video previews one of his most implausible makeovers yet: making his extreme policies seem appealing to Latino voters.

Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney and China

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The Romney campaign said that it won't "be dictated by fact-checkers"—in other words, they won't be driven by facts. But whether the truth matters in this election isn't up to the Romney campaign, it's up to you.

The Cheaters

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Mitt Romney tough on China? Romney's companies were called pioneers in shipping U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas. He invested in firms that specialized in relocating jobs to low wadge countries like China. Even today part of Romney's fortune is invested in China. Romney's never stood up to China. All he's done is send them our jobs.

The Top Five Reasons Why Mitt Romney Won't Release More Tax Returns

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The top 5 reasons Mitt Romney won't release more tax returns. What else is he hiding? Only Mitt Romney knows.

Heavy Load

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The middle class is carrying a heavy load in America. But Mitt Romney doesn't see it. Under the Romney plan, a middle class family will pay an average of up to $2,000 more a year in taxes. While at the same time giving multi-millionaires like himself a $250,000 tax cut. So, Romney hits the middle class harder and gives millionaires an even bigger break. Is that the way forward for America?

An Unshakable Record

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Mitt Romney's hoping for a convention reinvention where he'll try to shake an etch-a-sketch of epic proportions.

But some things you just can't shake—like his business record, his Massachusetts record, his offshore funds and what the Romney-Ryan budget does to Medicare.

Mitt Romney: An unshakable record that's wrong for the middle class.

Paul Ryan: Wrong for the Middle Class

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Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa was full of wrong and misleading statements. If you've seen any coverage of it, you know that the consensus among journalists and independent observers is that it was factually challenged.

As the National Journal stated: "Paul Ryan is long on style, shorter on facts"

Favorite Quotes

What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party?  I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things ­ every one.
