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First Lady Michelle Obama: "It Takes One"
First Lady Michelle Obama announces the launch of "It Takes One". "It Takes One" is a new effort that asks you to inspire one more person to join you every time you take an action to move this country forward. If you're making phone calls or knocking on doors, take a friend along. If you're registering to vote, make sure that a family member is registered as well. If you're attending an event, bring one neighbor along. And if you're voting early on election day, bring one new voter with you. You could inspire five, or ten, or 100 new people before November.
What Does "Retroactively Retired" Mean?
We asked people their thoughts on Mitt Romney saying he was retired "retroactively" as CEO of Bain Capital from 1999 to 2001.
Mitt Romney: Chairman, CEO, and Sole Shareholder—But Not Responsible?
This was Mitt Romney's explanation. Verbatim.
"Makes You Wonder"
Tax Havens. Offshore accounts. Carried Interest. Mitt Romney has used every trick in the book. Romney admits that over the last two years he's paid less than 15% in taxes on $43 million in income. Makes you wonder if some years he paid any taxes at all.
We don't know because Romney has released just one full year of his tax returns. And won't release anything before 2010.
Pants on Fire
Republican governors aren't telling the truth about health care reform. Visit to get the facts.
Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem.
Mitt Romney: Asking for Apologies While Launching Attacks
Mitt Romney accuses President Obama of not talking about the issues, but he has run a a campaign of carpet bombing and tearing down his opponents.
Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference
Vice President Joe Biden's Remarks at the 2012 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference in Nevada.
Why is Mitt Romney Hiding the Rest of His Tax Returns?
Mitt Romney is defying calls to release more than one year's worth of tax returns. The Romney campaign response? "Just take our word for it." So why is Mitt Romney hiding the rest of his tax returns? How long can Romney keep information on his investments in overseas tax havens secret? And why did he do it in the first place? Time will tell.
Lucas, Iraq War Veteran from Iowa, Supports President Obama
Lucas, an Iraq War veteran who served with the Iowa National Guard, leads supporters in the Pledge of Allegiance at one of President Obama's grassroots events. He shares why he supports the President and how President Obama continues to make sure veterans are cared for.