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Barack Obama
Guess Who Dresses Up the Rosenberg HQ now?
Guess what are dressing up the exterior of the our Rosenberg Headquarters now? None other than two Barack Obama paintings.
Real nice ones, too.
You don't believe me, take a look below.
One Last Fundraiser
We are having one last major fundraiser to gather the money needed for some first-class Get Out The Vote doorhangers.
We need some additional funds to purchase these and get them to our Neighborhood Organizers to use for blockwalking. We will also be putting them out in heavily Democratic precincts.
Your help could turn the tide for Democrats in Fort Bend County, and across Texas!
We decided to have a different kind of fundraiser - no speeches or grandstanding, just good food and live music. We will also have some outstanding door prizes - including a framed rally sign certified as being used on the convention floor in Denver. What a legacy to hand down to your grandchildren! With attendance limited to 100 people, your odds of winning a doorprize is good.
We will also have one-of-a-kind auction items for you to bid on.
Please click Read more to get specific information and pictures of the auction items.
Obama Volunteer Office Opening This Saturday in Houston
As a public service to those of us Democrats who are interested in the Barack Obama campaign, today we have received from the Barack Obama for President Campaign news of the grand opening of their Houston Area volunteer headquarters, two days after Super Tuesday. Now that was fast, wasn't it? Check out their press release below. Some of the information below can also be found at the campaign website, here.
Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?!
Reflections on Presidential Leadership
I have never been so conflicted about my choice of candidates in all the years I have been voting in presidential elections…and that's been a long time! It seems most people I talk to are also taking a little more time to choose. If you consider how many people in Iowa and New Hampshire waited until the last minute to make up their minds, it seems clear that the choice is simply a difficult one.
I've been reflecting about why that is and figured I'd share with you some of my thoughts on the matter.