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barack obama president


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Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu, and other leaders describe how President Obama has strengthened the relationship between the United States and Israel.

Abram Powell: "I Stand With President Obama" - Join People with Disabilities for Obama

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Abram Powell shares how throughout his life he has faced discrimination not only for his race, but for his inability to speak or hear. Because of this, he hasn't had the same opportunities as others.

But Abram persevered through his struggles; learning sign language from his brother, winning the gold medal at the Deaf Olympics; and working at General Motors for 39 years.

Abram saw the need to bring change to the deaf community and the world. He continues his commitment to change by volunteering to ensure President Obama is re-elected in November.

As he shares: "My goal is for all deaf people to get out and vote and support President Obama. I see a lot of deaf people not voting and they need to vote. When I found out OFA was doing voter registration it was a good way to help give information about President Obama and what he has accomplished. The President is a hard worker, just like I was a hard worker."

The Obamas Move to the White House - Join Parents for Obama

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First Lady Michelle Obama shares what it was like moving into the White House with two young daughters.

Welcoming Home Our Veterans

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Since day one, President Obama has made it a priority to keep the sacred trust we hold with those who wear the uniform of the United States and their families.

Cristina Saralegui: La Econom‪í‬a - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Hoy, Obama for America lanzó dos series de un grupo de anuncios de televisión destacando el récord del presidente en temas de especial importancia para los latinos, enfocándose el récord del presidente con respecto a la economía, la educación y políticas que han fortalecido las familias y comunidades latinas.

Cristina Saralegui: Educación - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America

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Hoy, Obama for America lanzó dos series de un grupo de anuncios de televisión destacando el récord del presidente en temas de especial importancia para los latinos, enfocándose el récord del presidente con respecto a la economía, la educación y políticas que han fortalecido las familias y comunidades latinas.

First Lady Michelle Obama: "Con Sólo Uno Más"

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"¡Hola a todos!

Siempre recordaré cómo, un poco después de casarnos, Barack y yo, juntos con algunos amigos nuestros, íbamos en busca de firmas para su primera campaña para el congreso estatal.

Tocábamos puertas, conocíamos a nuestros vecinos y hablábamos con ellos acerca de los temas ahí mismo en sus puertas — o hasta en sus salas.

First Lady Michelle Obama: "It Takes One"

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First Lady Michelle Obama announces the launch of "It Takes One". "It Takes One" is a new effort that asks you to inspire one more person to join you every time you take an action to move this country forward. If you're making phone calls or knocking on doors, take a friend along. If you're registering to vote, make sure that a family member is registered as well. If you're attending an event, bring one neighbor along. And if you're voting early on election day, bring one new voter with you. You could inspire five, or ten, or 100 new people before November.

President Obama's "Betting on America" Bus Tour

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President Obama kicked off a two-day "Betting On America" bus tour. He talked to voters in their communities about his commitment to investing in American workers and creating jobs here at home. He's also discussing the choice in this election -- between his vision for growing our economy from the middle out and Mitt Romney's vision for an economy built from the top down.

President Obama Holds A Town Hall: Mitt Romney's Economic Plan

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President Obama held a town hall meeting in Cincinnati where he highlighted a new report that estimates Mitt Romney's economic plan would create 800,000 jobs in other countries, including 73,000 jobs in China. These jobs are likely to come at the expense of American workers, in cities like Cincinnati.
