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Romney's Sorry Sunday

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DNC Video: Romney's Sorry Sunday

Check out the rest of Mitt Romney's "Worst Week in Washington" here:

Alfre Woodard Shares Why She Supports President Obama

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Alfre Woodard shares why she supports President Obama and what he's done for women—like passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act and signing the Affrordable Care Act.

The Romney/Ryan Medicare Plan: Boo!

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This is what happens when your plan is to turn Medicare into a voucher system, and repeal Obamacare:

Paul Ryan: The First step to a stronger Medicare, is to repeal Obamacare
Audience: Boo!

Paul Ryan: Because it represents the worst of both worlds
Audience: Boo!
Paul Rayn: I had a feeling there would be mixed reactions, so let me get into it

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's plans for Medicare: Boo!

Behind Allen West's Talk

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Allen West voted for Paul Ryan's plan that would "essentially end Medicare" and leave seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry.
Seniors would pay sixty four hundred dollars a year more ... While millionaires get more tax cuts.
Behind Allen West's talk? A plan that ends Medicare and "overwhelmingly benefits the rich."

AARP Voter Guide

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Voiceover: "The new AARP Voter Guide is out with facts you need on Medicare. Fact: Barack Obama will protect your guaranteed benefits and will not allow Medicare to become a voucher program. Fact: Mitt Romney would take away Medicare as guaranteed benefits and instead give future retirees "premium support" or vouchers.


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Voiceover: "Now Mitt Romney is attacking the President on Medicare?"

"The non-partisan AARP says Obamacare 'cracks down on Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse' and 'strengthens guaranteed benefits'."

"And the Ryan plan?"

"AARP says it would undermine ... Medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors...."