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Pay The Bills

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Christie: "I do the laundry. I pay the bills. I make sure my kids are fed and rested and healthy."

Voiceover: "Moms like Christie would be stretched even more under Mitt Romney. To fund his tax cuts for millionaires Romney could take away middle class deductions for child care, home mortgages and college tuition."

47 percent

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Recently, Mitt Romney held a high dollar fundraiser behind closed doors.  We asked Americans what they thought about what he said to his donors.

As one woman shares: "I don't think anybody's ever looking for a handout. I think that..we all want are chances and opportunities."


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Mitt Romney: "It's time to stand up to the cheaters."

Voiceover: "Tough on China? Not Mitt Romney."

"When a flood of Chinese tires threatened a thousand American jobs. It was President Obama who stood up to China and protected American workers. Mitt Romney attacked Obama's decision...said standing up to China was 'bad for the nation and our workers.'"

"How can Mitt Romney take on the cheaters when he's taking their side?"

The Cheaters

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Mitt Romney tough on China? Romney's companies were called pioneers in shipping U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas. He invested in firms that specialized in relocating jobs to low wadge countries like China. Even today part of Romney's fortune is invested in China. Romney's never stood up to China. All he's done is send them our jobs.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Would Take Us Back—We Can't Afford That

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Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential candidate. Mr. Ryan is new to the national scene, with out-of-step views from a bygone era.


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Over the course of the campaign, Romney assured the American public that his financial disclosure forms told the full story about his finances. Now we know they didn't -- when he released his 2010 tax returns, he was forced to amend those forms to include his offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and Switzerland. Mitt Romney wants Americans to "just trust him" when he hasn't been forthcoming in his disclosure forms and his running mate, Paul Ryan, has proposed a plan that would reduce his tax burden to less than one percent, while raising taxes on middle class families by an average of more than $2,000? Mitt Romney should come clean with the American public, explain what he's hiding and why he thinks it's fair that middle class Americans should pay far higher tax rates than he pays now and what he would pay under Paul Ryan's plan.

Romney in the Tank for Big Oil

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With Mitt Romney attending a fundraiser at the members only Petroleum Club tonight in Midland, TX, he's proving once and for all he's in the tank for Big Oil. Mitt Romney wants to repeal laws that crack down on oil speculators who drive up gas prices at your local pump and would cut investments in clean and renewable energy sources to pay for massive tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

CNN FACT CHECK: Romney's Welfare Ad Is "False", "Doesn't Work"

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CNN FACT CHECK: Romney's Welfare Ad  Is "False", "Doesn't Work"

Shop Around - Students Can't Afford Mitt Romney

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The Romney-Ryan education plan? Shop around, borrow money from your parents.

The Romney-Ryan plan would:

  • -Slash Pell Grants for nearly 10 million students
  • -Cut $10,000 college tax credits

Mitt Romney also hiked fees at state MA colleges by 63% as governor. "Shop around"? Students can't afford Mitt Romney.

DURBIN: "It's Time for Mitt Romney To Put Up Or Shut Up" On His Tax Returns

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DURBIN: "It's Time for Mitt Romney To Put Up Or Shut Up" On His Tax Returns

CBS, 8/19/2012

Favorite Quotes

What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party?  I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things ­ every one.
