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2012 Election
LaBolt: President Obama Strengthened Medicare, Romney Would Turn it into Vouchers
O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns?
O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns? Meet the Press, August, 19, 2012
Republican Women for Obama
Republican women share their history with the Republican Party and how the party's views are no longer aligned with their own. They don't support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and share how Romney and Ryan are wrong for women.
As they share: "If you truly believe in a small government. That government shouldn't be deciding what I can and cannot do with my own body."
Romney & Ryan's GOP: Back to the Back Alley
Only decades ago women suffered through horrifying back alley abortions, or they used dangerous methods when they had no other recourse. So when the Republican Party officially promotes forcing rape victims to bear the children of their attackers as part of its assault against a woman's right to choose--we had to ask:
Why is Romney & Ryan's GOP trying to send women back. . . to the back alley?
Want to Know Where Romney and Ryan Stand on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health?
This Saturday Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are coming to Powell, Ohio. Powell area women have questions for them on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health.
Will America's Go Back Team answer them?
President Obama: Go to
Gotta register? Go here: http://OFA.BO/r8jwmM
President Obama shares the importance of getting involved in this election and registering to vote.
John Cho: Why It's Important to Get Involved
John Cho (of Harold and Kumar fame) took some time out to meet some amazing volunteers at a field office in Colorado. In this video, he shares why it's important to get involved to make sure President Obama is re-elected this November.
The Romney Bunch
If you didn't think Mitt Romney's foray into the birther movement yesterday was evidence enough that his campaign has stooped to dog whistling to the most extreme elements in the Republican Party, just look who he's surrounding himself with in Tampa.
Romney: No One's Ever Asked To See My Birth Certificate
From CSPAN Coverage - Romney Rally Commerce, MI 8/24/12
The Women are Watching Bus Stops in West Chester, PA
The women are watching bus tour stopped in West Chester, PA and spoke to college student Alix Lowe-Server. Alix knows what's at stake this election and that's why she's speaking out.