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2012 Election
President Obama on Mitt Romney's Massachusetts Fees
President Obama breaks down Romney's promises and how we've heard them all before.
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Eric Smalls: Dear Mr. President
Eric Smalls wrote a letter to the President, this is his story.
Dear Mr. President,
My name is Eric Smalls. At a young age I was inspired by NASA and their expeditions to the moon. As a career I would love to build robots to explore the first earth-like planets and beyond. However, when I was three years old my mother passed away due to breast cancer. For several months my family was homeless and forced to live out of a car. With my dad doing his best to take care of my sister and I, those years were very difficult and college was just a pipe dream. As we lived paycheck to paycheck, the three of us shared two dollars a day for food. Some days, my sister and I were faced with choosing between going to school or eating that day.
Maddow: Jeep Falsehood Highlights Romney's Truthfulness Problem
Meet the Press, 10/28/2012. Maddow: Jeep Falsehood Highlights Romney's Truthfulness Problem
Weekly Address: Protecting the American People with New Wall Street Reforms
In this week's address, President Obama highlights the work of the new independent consumer watchdog he fought to create. This agency's mission is to stand up for consumers and includes protecting every American from mistakes made by the companies who determine their credit scores.
Ken Salazar: "President Obama Has Your Back."
Ken Salazar shares why he supports President Obama and how voting early will help re-elect President Obama for a second term. Early voting in Colorado has started and ends November 3rd. Need more information on early voting? Go here: http://OFA.BO/raReSb
When Will Mitt Romney Stand Up to Extremism? The Clock Is Ticking
Rachel Maddow: Romney-Ryan Ticket Shares Extreme Views of Mourdock-Akin
10/28/12, NBC. Rachel Maddow: Romney-Ryan Ticket Shares Extreme Views of Mourdock-Akin
Stephanie Cutter: Romney's Never Stood Up To "Extreme Right Wing," Wouldn't As President
10/28/12, ABC. Stephanie Cutter: Romney's Never Stood Up To "Extreme Right Wing," Wouldn't As President